My Wonderful World

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wonderful Biscuits

With winter in the air, nothing can beat a good biscuit for breakfast...or dressing them up a bit for supper.   My "dressing up" for supper  includes sharp cheddar cheese, chives and garlic.  

Living in the south, I have learned that nothing makes a light fluffy biscuit than a soft winter wheat flour.  My choice has always been White Lily flour and that brand was never available when  I lived in Michigan.  We had the usual Gold Medal flour, and the store brands available.   Good for bread making, but White Lily makes heavenly biscuits. 

Make the basic recipe as listed, but for supper,  added a cup of grated shrap cheddar, quarter cup of chives and a teaspoon of granulated garlic.   I prefer using granulated garlic in breads just to avoid biting into a piece of chopped garlic.   Chopped garlic dissolvs when cooking but doesn't when mixed in a dough.    In summer, I have fresh chives from the herb bed but in winter, I have to rely on dried chives which work very nicely. 

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Myrtlewood Classic Biscuits


2 cup White Lily self rising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon soda
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
4 ounce shortening
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup butter; melted

Preheat oven to 450F.

Cut shortening into dry mixture with a blender.  Add buttermilk and stir until combined.

Knead 15 times on floured board.  Add more flour if too damp.  Roll out and cut biscuits.  Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.  Brush tops with melted butter after removal from oven.

Notes:  ©WHStoneman

Yield: 8 servings

** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.87 **

Here I have the dough patted into a 9 inch round then cut into
10 pie shaped wedges.  Brush lightly with egg wash or heavy cream. 

After removing from the oven, I always brush the tops with melted butter...and then it is time to serve with your favorite winter stew or enjoy my Ultimate Comfort Pot Roast.  

Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

RamblingTart said...

Those are GORGEOUS!! I adore cheesy biscuits, especially in winter when it's blustery and cold outside. :-)

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Kingston, Tennessee, United States
The Fine Art of Cooking involves personal choice. Many preferences, ingredients, and procedures may not be consistent with what you know to be true. As with any recipe, you may find your personal intervention will be necessary -- © WHStoneman 2022