My Wonderful World

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Great Tip for Fresh Berries

A friend of mine shared this tip with me a few weeks ago, and it really, really works. When you get your berries home, prepare a mixture of one part vinegar (white or apple cider probably work best) and ten parts water.  Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around. Drain, rinse if you want (though the mixture is so diluted I find you can't taste the vinegar,) and pop in the fridge.


The vinegar kills any mold spores and other bacteria that might be on the surface of the fruit, and voila! Raspberries will last a week or more, and I've had strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft. So go forth and stock up on those pricey little gems, knowing they'll stay fresh as long as it takes you to eat them.


Bon Appétit and Enjoy 
YOUR Wonderful World!


1 comment:

Gary said...

Mr. Bill,
What a wonderful tip! I have tended to stay away from having berries on hand for just this reason, they would mold up before I could use them up. But know a solution has been give and with spring just kicking off I plan on taking full advantage of this tip. Thank you. – gary

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Kingston, Tennessee, United States
The Fine Art of Cooking involves personal choice. Many preferences, ingredients, and procedures may not be consistent with what you know to be true. As with any recipe, you may find your personal intervention will be necessary -- © WHStoneman 2022