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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

These are so good....

You will never buy store bought again!!

I had such good luck making tart shells last week, I though I should put my tortilla press to the real test of making tortillas.   Boy...I am glad that I did since they turned out so good and I will never buy store bought again.  

Here is the simple with four ingredients.  Who would have thought it would be so easy.   I highly recommend investing in a tortilla press.   You can find used ones on eBay at some great's just the Victoria Press is cast iron and weights quite a bit for shipping.  Maybe Prime Members from Amazon can get free shipping! 

@@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format

Soft Flour Tortillas

2 c flour; 260g

1 teaspoon salt

2/3 cup water; very warm

5 tb lard; melted 64g

Add the salt to the warm water and stir together until the salt has dissolved.

In a large bowl, use a fork to combine the flour with the oil (or other fat) until it looks crumbly. Pour in almost all of the salty water and stir until a shaggy dough forms. If the mixture seems dry, add a bit more of the water.

When the dough comes together, transfer to a floured work surface and knead until smooth, two to three minutes. Cover with a clean dish cloth and leave for at least 15 minutes and up to an hour or two. Resting the dough makes rolling it out easier.

Divide the dough into ten equally sized blobs and then shape into small disks. Use a rolling pin to roll each small disc into 8-inch rounds or use a tortilla press. The thinner the better, here.  Each portion is 44g each for continuity of size.  

Stack the rolled tortillas with a piece of parchment paper between them. Alternatively, you can roll and cook the tortillas at the same time. Roll one tortilla out, then while it cooks, roll the next tortilla out.

Make ahead: Divide the dough into smaller balls (this recipe makes ten 8-inch tortillas), wrap them very well, and then place into the refrigerator up to three days. About thirty to forty minutes before you are ready to cook the tortillas, take the balls out of the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature before rolling them out.

COOK TORTILLAS Heat a wide, heavy-bottomed skillet over medium-high heat. When it’s hot, add the first tortilla. Within 20 to 30 seconds, you should start to see it puffing up with bubbles forming.

Transfer the cooked tortilla to a dish towel and cover it then continue with the remaining tortillas, adjusting the heat as needed.

Yield: 10 tortillas

** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.97 **

They will puff up while cooking....just flatten them with your spatula and they will deflate when cooling.   As you can see, they also will change color as the cook on your griddle.  They will turn from a transparent wet look to a solid color and begin to change to golden brown.  


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Kingston, Tennessee, United States
The Fine Art of Cooking involves personal choice. Many preferences, ingredients, and procedures may not be consistent with what you know to be true. As with any recipe, you may find your personal intervention will be necessary -- © WHStoneman 2022